Farewell Ode

Farewell ode to a Certified Spiritual Director

These words are written with the flair and rhyme of the poetic

For which the author is not abashed nor apologetic

It comes not from drunken stupor or moments alcoholic

May the prayer and well wishes be sincere and prophetic

As you launch back to a ministry that is apostolic

Reaching out to a diverse community that is phlegmatic

frenetic, choleric, melancholic, atheistic and even lunatic

and in many situations that seem near catastrophic……….

For every life touched is our grateful expression with a rhetoric

An appreciation for your divine perspective that is stratospheric

The circle of friends you have made is widely concentric

Because your authenticity, joy and your humour is catalytic

And we chuckle and laugh till we are almost catatonic……!

For laughter , we say “ Thank you ! “

You engaged with friendships that are sincere and platonic

You brought refreshing like that brew of tonic

Listening to our stories with attention to detail is microscopic

Instilling in us to feel the pulse of God as rhythmic

Discerning His activity as still and at other times, seismic

For engaging , we say “ Thank you !”

Asking how we are feeling in our recounts is very characteristic

Of one who is understanding, humane and sympathetic

Though you could be misunderstood for being eccentric

In a world where busyness, rush and strife is symptomatic

Of the discomfort of being still in the presence of the Majestic

For asking , we say “ Thank you!“

The time that you have spent with us is metabolic

In understanding that the processes in each one is not static

Though it may seem like we live being swirled by forces cosmic

It is not for us to remain unfazed, unimpacted or stoic

But a time to be still and listen beyond the volumetric

For listening, we say “Thank you!”

Sojourning on and bringing heartfelt service so angelic

Is bringing awareness and sense to patterns of the psychedelic

A lost and directionless community will break codes esotheric

And transform lives of the agnostic, the sceptic and even the catholic

May your words bring healing, integration and a wholesome ethic

For speaking, we say “Amen “

As you see real persons behind the fascade and smiles of plastic

And behind the syndicates that sell the toys and the gimmicks

May you have His favour, encouragement for His special tactic

To enlighten the darkened souls with more than a technic

But with God given vision that is powerful and telescopic

For seeing, we say “ Bless you “

Life’s like a candle burning on its short strand of wick

May your heart’s cry be fulfilled as you bring music and lyric

As you are catapulted back to the world of the hectic

We see your desire to live well among lives frantic

Live only for the One who measures with His yardstick

Of grace, mercy and love so immensely and immeasurably thick!

Cheryl 13/10/2009

Ephesians 1:11-12 (The Message)

11-12It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone

Joshua 1:9

Don’t get off track, either left or right, so as to make sure you get to where you’re going. And don’t for a minute let this Book of The Revelation be out of mind. Ponder and meditate on it day and night, making sure you practice everything written in it. Then you’ll get where you’re going; then you’ll succeed. Haven’t I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don’t be timid; don’t get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take.”

About Sharereal

A journey in life is a journey of the heart in walking God's purposes as He intended.My vocational choices started with training in the legal profession and have evolved to a multitude of roles.I write this blog to share God's divine work in my life , to leave a legacy for others.It has been a journey of faith....I write to express my journey and life - sharing what is real.
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