The A list of qualities

Alphabet A allures me with the fact that it is the First

Allocated its Ageless place at the top

Appreciated for superiority of content and grade

Attentively sought after and celebrated



My Ardent admiration for the A list of character qualities

Arouses in me a desire to Articulate its Appeal

For I am an Avid fan of its sheer Abundance

Found in a single person who seemingly has it All



I run Amok literarily and Assert that it is an Ambitious list

I Announce that I am Awestruck with the A adjectives

It is Audacious that I Act in an Aberrant manner to Ascribe

The Accomplishments and the Attributes to a homosapien



I Awkwardly write these thoughts in an Auxillary manner

It does not Astonish me that the A list is Appropriate

It Agitates me to a point of Annoyance of perceived Arrogance

As the person is self Aware to what I considered Absurdity



Apparently that journey started as a result of an Abortive deed

Acknowledgement goes to the Lord for His Action and intervention

I have Agonised over the Abysmal depth of my own character

But I am Amenable to change and Aspire to Attain the A list



I am Awestruck at the A list and Almost Amourously involved

It stirs my imagination and it Amounts to nothing but Airy thoughts

Adrift in the vast ocean of possibilities and Advancements

Circumstances remain Adverse to my Adulations and Altered senses



Alone in my Articulations , Adolescent in my emotions yet Apprehensive

They are Admissible in the human Arena for I am Affirmed that I Am

It alleviates my pain but I remain Authentic to my humanity

“ I feel!“ , “I ‘m Alive ! “, “ I Aspire ! “, “ I express!” or something’s Amiss



And so here it is an Apt A list of Adjectives that I Attribute to you:

Your Animated Antics Amuse

You are Adept and Adaptable

You are Agile in your thoughts

You are Adventurous

You are Amicable and Appealing

Your Analytical mind Allures

You are Authoritative in your convictions

You are Astute in your ways

Perhaps I am Awestruck but you remain Awesome, ….still!

About Sharereal

A journey in life is a journey of the heart in walking God's purposes as He intended.My vocational choices started with training in the legal profession and have evolved to a multitude of roles.I write this blog to share God's divine work in my life , to leave a legacy for others.It has been a journey of faith....I write to express my journey and life - sharing what is real.
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